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Parents Of Teen Boy Sue His School Because He Was Caught Having S*x In A Car

Family & Relationship

Parents Of Teen Boy Sue His School Because He Was Caught Having S*x In A Car

What is the world turning into?

Most parents would not be pleased with their kids if they were caught engaged in an immoral act or discovered having se*ual intercourse inside a car during school hours. However, two parents who found themselves in this circumstance were more dissatisfied with their child’s school than the child and took some extraordinary actions against the school.

The couple claims that “their constitutional rights to parent their child and freedom of religion had been violated” after their son was caught having s*x on school grounds during the school-sanctioned unsupervised time.

Skyridge High School in Utah “Gave students free time during the final week of school, it did not do enough ‘to aid their efforts as parents to prevent [their son] JD from having s*x,'” according to the parents, who claimed that this was insufficient to help them in their efforts.

According to the pair, they attempted to contact their son at school, but when he did not respond to calls from the office, his mother went in search of him. That’s when she discovered him having s*x in a car on school grounds with his girlfriend.

The parents who are “Latter-Day Saints” said that their faith prohibits premarital sx. They said they had raised their son under the doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints”. His parents made every effort to prevent their son from engaging in premarital sx by arranging for JD to be accompanied by someone else during hangouts with his girlfriend and even having JD start riding with an older sibling to and from school.

When they found out about their son having s*x with his girlfriend, they decided to take matters into their own hands.

The 14th Amendment was put in place to preserve the “fundamental right” to “make decisions concerning the care, custody, and control of their children,” and the parents alleged that the school had violated this right.

The district, however, disproved their assertions and stated, “The district did not prevent the Does from forbidding JD from engaging in premarital s*x.” The parents claimed that the school had denied them the chance to decide how to raise JD by failing to inform them of the flexible attendance policy during the final week of classes.

After the judge determined that the parents “have not provided any authority supporting the proposition that the government has a constitutional duty to help them parent JD,” the parents ultimately lost their case.

One student who heard about the case said “I attended school in this district, my school informed us that attendance was flexible that week, and I imagine other schools did the same”.

A lot of people felt that nobody is to blame since “parents can teach their kids whatever they want, but in the end, the kid is going to do what they want to.” Some even accused parents of neglecting to check the school calendars for any updates to attendance policies, even though most schools provide attendance schedules on their school calendars.

Well, as for me, a parent who wants to imbibe the teachings of the Bible in their kids should not allow them to have girlfriends/boyfriends. If you do then one day they will have the desire to want to engage in immoral acts.

Although having a teenager can make parenting challenging, schools aren’t just big-time babysitters. You have a bigger role to play.

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