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Security Agencies Were Made Aware Of Planned Killings in Igangan- Falana

Security Agencies Were Made Aware Of Planned Killings in Igangan- Falana

Mr. Femi Falana (SAN), a human rights lawyer, claims that security agencies were informed of the killings in Igangan, Ibarapa North Local Government Area, Oyo State, more than a week before the attack, but nothing was done.

According to police, at least 11 people were killed during the attack on Igangan on Sunday, though residents claim up to 20 people were killed.

Vehicles and buildings, including the Palace of the Asigangan of Igangan Town and a gas station, were also set ablaze.

Falana said in a statement on Tuesday, ‘Halt the Brutal Killing of Unarmed People in Igangan,’ that security agencies had repeatedly failed to prosecute those who were killing, raping, and kidnapping innocent residents.

“We have been reliably informed that the security agencies in Oyo State have repeatedly failed to prosecute suspects arrested by the people of Igangan for kidnapping, rape, and other heinous crimes,” the statement said.

“Based on the information we have, security agencies were notified last week of a planned attack on the people of Igangan by a gang of bandits. However, because no preventative measures were taken, the assailants struck and brutally killed about 20 people, while destroying properties worth hundreds of millions of naira.

“The Amotekun security team, armed with dane guns, were unable to repel the AK 47-wielding bandits.”

The senior advocate urged President Muhammadu Buhari (retd.) to take immediate action to stop the killing of unarmed people and the destruction of property.

He also urged community youths to form a defense committee to provide security for the people.

“For the umpteenth time, we are compelled to call on the Buhari administration to take urgent and decisive steps to halt the barbaric killing of unarmed people and destruction of their properties,” Falana added. A team of mobile police officers, in particular, should be stationed in Igangan on a permanent basis.

“However, because the Federal Government is overwhelmed by the country’s worsening insecurity, we urge the youths of the Igangan community to form a defense committee to provide security for the people. The police should train the defense committee and then provide it with weapons, ammunition, and tracking devices.”


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