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Breaking: Nollywood Actor, Mr Ibu Is Dead


Breaking: Nollywood Actor, Mr Ibu Is Dead

Veteran actor John Okafor, often known as Mr Ibu, died after a protracted struggle with blood clots on his leg. On Saturday, March 2, the actor died in a hospital in Lagos state.

According to family sources, the actor was on life support after undergoing a second surgery for his condition. According to a family member, his blood pressure had risen above 200 after the surgery, and efforts were underway to stabilise it until he died this evening.

For years, the actor struggled with blood clotting on his leg due to damaged blood vessels, as well as other health issues. In October 2023, he went public to seek financial support to address his condition. There were plans to transport him abroad for further medical care, but his physicians decided he wasn’t fit to fly.

Read Also: Mr Ibu’s Family Says Only One Of His Legs Were Amputated

In November 2023, Mr Ibu had his leg amputated as part of his treatment.

The actor is survived by his wife and children. He was sixty-two years old.

The veteran actor was well-known for his outstanding portrayal of comedic parts in films.

May his soul rest in peace. Amen.

A Gentle Reminder: Every obstacle is a stepping stone, every morning; a chance to go again, and those little steps take you closer to your dream.

Nnamdi Okoli

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