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British Actor, Idris Elba, Dares Social Media Bullies To Troll With True Identity

British Actor, Idris Elba, Dares Social Media Bullies To Troll With True Identity

British actor, Idris Elba has published a statement on his Instagram platform to confront the issue of cyberbullying.

In the post, the thespian admonished trolls to desist from using ‘faceless’ troll accounts to drag other social media users and celebrities online.

Elba urged social media companies to block troll accounts that do not have real names or hide behind “catfish” accounts to damage the self-esteem and confidence of other people.

He added that the way celebrities are verified on social media, there should be a way for account users to make their real identity known so everyone knows who is speaking.

“If cowards want to spout racial rhetoric then say it with your name, not your username,” the actor said.

Source: Ripples Nigeria

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