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Christ Is For All


Christ Is For All

Wednesday of week 7 in Ordinary Time 

James 4:13-17
Ps 48(49):2-3,6-11
Mark 9:38-40

In today’s gospel reading, John the disciples of Jesus reported to Jesus that there is another man in the district who is casting out demons without being a follower of Jesus.

In response, Jesus essentially conveys that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. John had prevented this man from casting out demons, which our Savior makes clear is the wrong way to think about being one of His followers.

Discipleship does not grant special authority, social honour or prestige position nor does it elevate one above others who may be doing good works in Jesus’ name but are not part of our faith or community.

There have been times when I have been skeptical of people who are not Catholic or not Christian but claim a special relationship with God. Lord, forgive us for the humility we have lacked and teach us to accept others in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Fr Joseph Osho

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