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Following Christ Jesus Brings True Freedom


Following Christ Jesus Brings True Freedom

Daniel 3:14-20,24-25,28
John 8:31-42

The people of kingdom of God here in earth suffers violence from the world.
Those who speak the Truth which comes from God and those who are in a close relationship with God are often being opposed and oppressed by those who are in authority over them, particularly if those in authority are not open to the Truth and to God’s teachings.

In today’s first reading, we see the interplay between King Nebuchadnezzar and three gentlemen named Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. These three men refuse to worship the King’s man-made statue, because they know the One, true God and worship Him alone. They know that their fate truly rests in God’s hands and not the King’s hands. If it be God’s will they will be spared. However, if God chooses to let the King’s deeds be carried out, then so be it; for these three men place God’s will first, rather than their own.

Are you placing something of temporal value between you and God? Do you bow down to idols and still bow down to God? Do you bow down to man or to the will of God the Father?Think carefully before you answer this question, and don’t deceive yourself for God demands your maximum allegiance.

We see this confidence. undying love,loyalty and faith in God deeply found in the person of Christ Jesus. In today’s gospel, Jesus lays claim to that loyalty in the fulfillment of His mission and He tells His listeners that they will only be free if they listen to His word and live by it, because only then will they be free from the slavery to sin and so be His true disciples.

We all want freedom but Freedom is most times misinterpreted be the absolute power to act without making reference to moral principles and standards. True freedom is gained when we conform our will to God’s will. The Jewish people who were arguing with Jesus claimed that they were never slaves to anyone but we know how many times that had happened to them; we have that of Babylon which took them 70 years not to mention that of Egypt which lasted for several decades.

More importantly, Christ wanted to teach them that true freedom comes from being from sin and following Him who is the way , the truth and Life.God’s word is available to us too but it is up to us to accept it and to allow it bear fruits our lives. Are you living a life of truth? The way to true freedom is the way to God and the way to God is Jesus; the perfect example of total obedience to the Father.

Fr Joseph Osho

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