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1st Reading: Ez 17:22-24: I will plant my shoot on the high mountains of Israel.

Resp. Psalm 91(92): 2-3,13-16: This is good to give you thanks, O Lord.

2nd Reading: 2 Cor 5:6-10: We want to be exiled from the body and make our home with the Lord.

Gospel: Mk 4:26-34: The kingdom of God is like the mustard seed growing into the biggest shrub of them all.


In the gospels, our Lord’s teaching consists of various strands about God our Father, about Himself and the Holy Spirit. He also taught us about rights and wrongs, religious observance and life after death. But there is one strand of his teaching, in a sense, that seems to encompass all of these aspects. It is the teaching about the kingdom of God. From his teaching, we know that this kingdom, while reaching its full perfection only in heaven, is nonetheless already present here on earth. We know that it is to be found among those who follow Jesus Christ, who are united with him by faith and the expression of that faith in their moral lives.

In Christ”s own words, with what shall we compare the kingdom of God to be? What parable or illustration? We have two parables in today’s gospel according to St. Mark. In the first, we talk about growth from seeds to harvest while in the second parable we talk about small and great(a mustard seed becoming a mustard tree). On earth, the seed of the kingdom of God is something very tiny to begin with, but it then grows to be a huge tree. Thus, we see how the small group of the initial disciples grew mightily in the early years of the Church and it continues to grow and spread from the acts of the Apostles right down the centuries to our present day. And it will continue to grow and expand until the end of time.

That growth in numbers happens through a personal increase in faith within every individual soul. God is the one in charge as he tells us through the prophet Ezekiel in today’s first reading, ‘ I the Lord am the one who stunts tall trees and make the low ones grow. The words of our Lady in the Magnificant and also expresses humility and faith in Jesus Christ. Let us the kingdom of God to grow in us through humility and trust Above all, we need the spirit of patience. We cannot be asking God give us patience O Lord but hurry up. No! Let us remember that, end results are best appreciated after patiently going through the process of growth. Be patient with things that requires time to grow.

God bless

Fr. Osho

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