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HAITI: Police Reveals That Foreign Hit Squad Assassinated President Jovenel Moise

HAITI: Police Reveals That Foreign Hit Squad Assassinated President Jovenel Moise

Following the assassination of the President of Haiti; Jovenel Moise, Police said 2 US nationals and 26 Colombians have been arrested in connection to the murder case.

The head of Haiti’s National Police; Leon Charles, revealed this at a press conference in Port-au-Prince. He said,
“It was a team of 28 assailants, 26 of whom were Colombian, who carried out the operation to assassinate the president.”

The police chief added that eight assassins were still at large, as he vowed to catch them.

“We have arrested 15 Colombians and the two Americans of Haitian origin. Three Colombians have been killed while eight others are on the loose.

“We will strengthen our investigation and search techniques to intercept the other eight mercenaries,” Leon Charles said.

17 suspects were paraded before reporters, showing several Colombian passports, assault rifles, machetes, walkie-talkies, and materials including bolt cutters and hammers.

Colombia’s defense minister; Diego Molano has confirmed that at least six members of the hit squad appeared to be Colombian ex-soldiers. Orders have been given to the Colombian army and police to help with the investigation.

Read More: US , UN Others React To The Assassination Of Haiti’sPresident

Authorities have not confirmed the identities of the two Americans of Haitian origin. However, earlier reports quoted officials who claimed the killers spoke English and Spanish. Haiti’s ambassador to Washington; Bocchit Edmond, later said the killers were believed to be “professional” mercenaries disguised as US drug enforcement administration agents.

Moise, 53, was assassinated at his private residence in the capital Port-au-Prince in the early hours of 7 July. His wife, Martine Moise, was also wounded, however, she survived the attack.

Haiti is observing two weeks of mourning following the President’s assassination as shops, banks, and gas stations remained close amid an ongoing bid to catch assassins who are still hiding.

How the assassins were able to breach the security in the presidential palace is still a question left unanswered.

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