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Agnes Isika Blog

Happy Pentecost Sunday


Happy Pentecost Sunday

Sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, we dare not look back. We can only fix our eyes on the horizon ahead. With the coming of the Paraclete, the final dawn has already broken.

Now we wait for the Sun to reach His noon-day zenith. Morning proceeds: Our sun is rising in the sky. As we await the full splendor of noon, we persevere together in prayer and the breaking of bread.

And at the very heart of it all, helping us to keep faithful, who else but Mary, Mother of the Church?

For this final outpouring of the Holy Spirit is also the age of Mary. She is the Spouse of the Spirit. It is to her, our Mother that we cling, as with noon approaching, we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Happy Pentecost Sunday

Fr Joseph Osho

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