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Horrific Video: Woman Shot In The Head In Broad Day Light

Horrific Video: Woman Shot In The Head In Broad Day Light

Gun violence has escalated in New York City and other large American cities this year, as American sites circulated a horrific video of the murder of a woman in the street.

Surveillance video in New York showed a chilling clip of a woman walking behind another, then pulling a pistol and shooting her in the back of the head on a busy street, according to the New York Police Department.

Police have identified the victim as 42-year-old Delia Johnson, who can be seen in the clip talking to a group of people in the moments before her murder, Fox News reported on Friday.

For his part, a police source said that the investigators have the identity of a possible suspect, but they have not arrested yet.

The video also revealed the method of the assassination of the woman, who was hit in the back of her head and then again in the leg after she collapsed.

Witnesses can be seen running for cover as the shooter crashes into and leaves a white vehicle.

From the video (NYPD)

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Police on duty in the area heard the shots and rushed to the scene, according to an NYPD source.

In addition, a longer version of the video, which has not been released, showed the shooter in the area for a long period of time before she did, and it appears that a man handed her something she had hidden behind her back before the shooting.

It is noteworthy that New York Police statistics revealed that last year there were 468 murders, compared to 319 in 2019.

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