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British Government Reveals The Truth About Nnamdi Kanu’s Arrest

British Government Reveals The Truth About Nnamdi Kanu’s Arrest

The British government responds to Nnamdi Kanu detention, according to the Daily Post on June 30, 2021.

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the outlawed Indigenous People of Biafra, was allegedly detained in the United Kingdom, according to the British High Commission.
Kanu was never detained nor deported from the UK, according to Dean Hurlock, a spokesperson for the British High Commission.

“We can affirm that Nnamdi Kanu was not detained in the United Kingdom for the purpose of extradition,”

Remember that Kanu was detained on Sunday, according to the Attorney-General of the Federation, Abubakar Malami.

Kanu was apprehended, he claims, as a result of Nigerian intelligence and security services working together.

Kanu, a dual Nigerian-British citizen, was rumoured to have been apprehended in the United Kingdom, where he had been residing since fleeing the nation in 2017.

According to reports, he was apprehended in one African’s countries.
In another news Reno Omokri also Confirmed Nnamdi Kanu was not Arrested in London.

Reno said; I just spoke with a top UK government source. Nnamdi Kanu was NOT arrested or extradited by the British. According to this official, Kanu was “almost definitely arrested in KENYA” and “it was an illegal detention”. I won’t reveal my source, but I have him on record.

For those who do not know how these things operate, the United Kingdom is a civilised nation that is governed by the Rule of Law. No one, no matter how wanted, can be arrested and extradited without extradition hearings before a court, especially when that person is a British citizens.

There are Nigerians who are currently fighting their extradition to Nigeria in court in the UK. They cannot leave the UK on their own volition or on the request of the Nigerian government until their hearings are exhausted. If they lose at the court of first instance, they have a right of appeal.

I repeat, Nnamdi Kanu was not arrested or extradited by the British government.

Also, it is a lie that he boarded a plane and came to Nigeria by himself. That is just propaganda.

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