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Let Your Thoughts And Actions Show That You Are Christ ‘S Disciple


Let Your Thoughts And Actions Show That You Are Christ ‘S Disciple

Tuesday of the 2nd week of Lent 

Isaiah 1:10,16-20
Matthew 23:1-12

A disciple humbly submits to be taught by the master to learn and teach others the truth learned. Christ is our master and without learning from Him we can only lead others into the pit; when we do not practice what we preach and do not live out what we profess.

So the Lord invites us today to shun hypocrisy and go into ourselves to evaluate the quality of our witnessing. We must each ask ourselves, how do I keep practicing what I profess? What must I do to get closer to Christ and have a better rapport with Him? What is that plank in my eye that I must remove so that I can see better and in what manner I can add value to the life of my brother and sister? What must I do to draw others closer to Christ?

In the end, it is not about the titles we held in society, but what we did for humanity. If our life and death are lessons, this is practical Christianity that is enough to produce good fruits. This has to begin somewhere.  It has to begin with us, right here and right now!


May God’s beautiful hands always wonderfully be at work in all you plan and do. May God see you through in all your endeavors. Amen.

Fr Joseph Osho

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