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No one can silence me, Father Mbaka reacts to DSS invitation

No one can silence me, Father Mbaka reacts to DSS invitation

The Spiritual Director of Adoration Ministry, Enugu, Nigeria (AMEN), Father Ejike Mbaka, says he would never be cowed and silenced from speaking out on the situation in the country.

The controversial Catholic Priest was reacting to his recent invitation by the Department of State Services (DSS), to appear before it in Abuja.

Mbaka, who spoke at the Adoration Ground on Monday, said the summon by the Service was part of plans to rein him in and stop him from criticising the President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration.

“I got a call on Thursday that the DSS people from Abuja came here (Enugu) with a letter of invitation to Abuja; over what? What I cannot understand is how the mother church in Nigeria could be cowed,” Mbaka said.

Read More: “Nigerian Leaders Are Heartless,” Says Bishop Kukah

“The mother church is both a lamb and lion. The Bible says if the foundation is destroyed, what can the just man do?

“I am the servant here. They don’t understand history. I spoke against Abacha; I went to Minna to tell Babangida what was wrong in his time.

“I spoke to Obasanjo face to face; I perform under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I ministered to the late President Yar’Adua; I am being used by a supernatural spirit called the Holy Spirit.

“If they are attacking me here and there, even from those that should save me, no wahala (no problem).

“The Bible says if God is for us, who can be against us? Only God can be God. I heard the security people did not accept the letter. They asked them to come on Monday to give me the letter”, he said.


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