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Agnes Isika Blog

Saint Matthias, Apostle


Saint Matthias, Apostle

Acts 1:15-17,​20-26
John 15:9-17


How does it feel to be a substitute in a top team? Imagine the pressure Saint Matthias faced when he was elected to replace the traitor Judas as the twelfth apostle. The number twelve was significant, as it resonated with the Twelve Tribes of Israel and highlighted the weight of Matthias’ role in maintaining the apostolic circle’s integrity.

To add to this, Saint Matthias has the weakest New Testament coverage. All we know is that he had been with Jesus from John the Baptist to the Ascension, was present in the room at Pentecost to receive the power of the Holy Spirit, and was martyred, likely beheaded with an axe.

Matthias must have been one of the special disciples. He probably didn’t talk much, but he was always there, passing out loaves or fish, pulling in the fish nets, and defending all the apostles when they were hassled by unbelievers.

He may have been super humble and didn’t need credit, and it’s a good bet he was one of the happier disciples and apostles. He didn’t allow himself to wallow in the guilt of living in the shadow of Judas, who was treasurer, to get lost in low self-esteem or negative stigma.

We can aspire to bolster our position in the world by following Matthias’ example. We can validate our skills and talents, change the narrative about negative Christian reputations, improve our performance in all things, enjoy a sense of accomplishment, build new relationships, learn new strategies, and contribute positively to a more Gospel-inspired team dynamic.

Fr Joseph Osho

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