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Agnes Isika Blog



READINGS:   1st Reading: Exodus 14:21-15:1: The crossing of the Red Sea.

Resp. Psalm: Exodus 15:8-10.12.17: I will sing to the Lord, glorious His triumph.

Gospel: Matthew 12:46:50: My mother and my brothers are anyone who does the will of the Father in heaven.


At the breathe of your anger the moving waters stood up like a dam. The deeps turned solid in the midst of the sea. Exodus 15:8.

This account describes our God’s sovereignty over the nations, over all things both visible and invisible and He is the Great Liberator of the hosts of Israel. Israel as a nation, regard this Passover event as the greatest miraculous event that has ever happened to them. It marks the beginning of their history as a nation. As they walked through the Red Sea, the chariots of Egypt chased after them not waiting to behold the sight of such a awesome wonder, not considering all the plagues and signs that has happened. They were hardened in their hearts. They were down for the showdown.

Read More: Tuesday Of The Fourteenth Week In Ordinary Time Year B 6/7/2021

As time goes on, God commanded Moses to stretch out his hands to the Sea and the Sea engulfed all the armies and chariots of Egypt. What marvel the Lord wrought for His people. The Egyptians saw them as slaves but God sees them as His own children. The Egyptians wanted to deprive Israel of their freedom and rights to worship God, but God paved the way for them where there seems to be no way. God can do the same for you, you will march forward in faith and trust and embrace the promises of God for you whereas the enemy will chase and pursue but you are victorious for the battle belongs to God and with the Lord on your side, you will always win.

The Passover event reminds us of our baptism in Christ. The passage through the Red Sea deepened the faith and trust of the children of Israel in God and his messenger Moses. It is a foreshadow of our faith-passage from death to life as Christians. In baptism, we too cross from the wilderness of hopelessness and sin but we trust that if we die with Christ and we shall rise with Him. Through baptism, we are made members of the mystical body of Christ and by faith, we are God’s children. We truly belong to God and we are brothers and sisters in Christ; adopted sons and daughters of God. To remain in this relationship therefore, we must allow the will of God to be the food we eat, the air we breathe, the love we share and the life we live.

May the Almighty God who saved the his people and planted them in His Holy mountains continue to deliver us and grant us the grace to do His will. Keep moving courageously despite the discouraging challenges ahead the good Lord knows the way and will forever remain your guard and guide. Amen.

Praise the Lord for His goodness, praise the Lord for His kindness. Whatever condition, Jesus will save His people! Praise the Lord!

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