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Smugglers Who Killed Customs Officer Must Be Arrested – Adewale


Smugglers Who Killed Customs Officer Must Be Arrested – Adewale

The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) said it will use all legal measures to apprehend the smugglers who brutally assassinated its operator, Auwal Haruna, in Katsina State.

On Wednesday, the Controller-General, Bashir Adewale, assured the relatives of the deceased during a visit to the Kayawa community in the state’s Dutsi Local Government Area.

He stated that on April 17, 2024, suspected smugglers assassinated Haruna, a Customs Assistant ll, at the Gamji Makaho checkpoint in Dankama, Kaita Local Government Area.

The melee began when a team of customs agents from Katsina Area Command sought to intercept a convoy of over fifty cars conveying items suspected of unlawful transit outside the country.

Haruna and his fellow policemen demonstrated amazing courage in their efforts to foil these daring economic saboteurs.

Their actions sparked a confrontation with an outraged mob, which brutally attacked and killed CA II Auwal Haruna.

Read Also: Parrots And Hawks Smugglers Arrested By Customs

The C-G was represented by Mr Muhammad Umar-Abubakar, Controller of Katsina Command, who was accompanied by other Controllers from the Kaduna zone.

“Every of our personnel is important to the service, therefore we will never allow the killers of Haruna to go free,’’ he vowed.

Mr Adewale, however, stated that the agency would ensure that the suspects were arrested and prosecuted appropriately, adding that the experience was terrible and unforgettable.

He also prayed for the deceased’s soul and told his parents that NCS will be with them throughout this difficult time.

Speaking, Ado Rabe, Chairman of the Dutsi Local Government Area, thanked the delegation for their visit.

He described Haruna’s death as a significant loss for the entire town, noting that Auwal was the only Customs officer in the region.

Mr Rabe requested that the C-G consider making an offer to another community son.

When asked for his response, the deceased’s father fell into tears.

The group later paid a visit to Daura’s Emir, Umar Faruq-Umar, to express their condolences.

A Gentle Reminder: Every obstacle is a stepping stone, every morning; a chance to go again, and those little steps take you closer to your dream.

Nnamdi Okoli

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