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Through Love We Can Fulfill The Law


Through Love We Can Fulfill The Law

2 Cor3:4-11
Matt 5:17-19

The Bible says that the Law was given through Moses. grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17. The people thought that when the Messiah comes, he will liberate them from the law. Jesus made it clear in today’s gospel that He did not come to do away with the Law but to complete it. And He also cautioned that anyone who violates the least of the laws and teaches others to do so will have harsh repercussions. To keep the commandments of the Lord would require the gift of wisdom from the Lord so that we can follow the commandments humbly and wisely. Any glorious achievements on earth can never be as great as living life humbly, simply, and peacefully on earth.

The fulfillment of the Law is built on Love. Love for God and Love for neighbor. Love built on sacrifice. Through his life giving sacrifice, Christ renewed all actions of man and requirements of the law towards holiness and graciousness Yet the world we live in is engrossed with disobedience, deception, wickedness and hatred. Through love we can heal the world. Through love, we can offer peace to others. Through love, we can fulfill the law Do you look at the laws as Commandments that restrict your freedom or laws that set you free?
May we be obedient to the Father. May He grant us the wisdom to remember that the laws are meant to free us and live according to the commandments of the Lord. Amen.

Fr Joseph Osho

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