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Two Reverend Sisters Arrested Over Illegal Adoption Of Children


Two Reverend Sisters Arrested Over Illegal Adoption Of Children

The Children, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Court in Awka, Anambra State, remanded two Reverend Sisters on Monday for illicit deals and fraudulent child adoption.

The Reverend Sisters, Angela Onyenachi Ibe, 42, and Mother-General, Reverend Sister Chiemelie Jacinta Yvonne, 41, were charged with conspiracy obtained by pretence, punishable under sections 495(a) and 386 of the Criminal Code, Cap 36, Volume II, the Revised Laws of Anambra State of Nigeria, 1991.

They were also accused with illicit deals with minors and fake adoption, both of which are punishable under Section 30(2)(b) of Anambra State’s Child Rights Law of 2004.

However, when the charge was read to the defendants, to the satisfaction of the court, they all pleaded not guilty to the offences.

Responding to questioning at the arraignment, the two defendants stated that they were both from Imo State and members of the St. Francis of Compassion Catholic Congregation, which is based in Imo.

The defendants further stated that they were staff members and attendants at the Sam Damian Community Children’s and Old People’s Home in Obosi, Anambra State.

In a bail application on behalf of the defendants, the defence counsel requested that the honourable court give bail to the defendants since they were reverend sisters of a first-generation church who would religiously attend their trials whenever called upon to appear in court.

The Presiding Chief Magistrate, Genevieve C. Osakwe, issued a verdict on the bail application, describing the ground as very weak and unknown to the law.

The magistrate frowned at and vehemently bemoaned what she termed, “the rising cases of illegal adoption and dealings on children, in Anambra State,” and called on the security agencies in the state, especially, the police authorities, to “extend their search, arrest and prosecution of all persons involved in the management of illegal community children’s and old people’s homes, across the state”.

As a result, the case was rescheduled for a definitive hearing on May 29 and June 26, 2024.

The accused were ordered remanded to the State Criminal Investigation Department (CID) in Awka by the Court.

A Gentle Reminder: Every obstacle is a stepping stone, every morning; a chance to go again, and those little steps take you closer to your dream.

Nnamdi Okoli

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