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Agnes Isika Blog

Historic steps: Joe Biden Declares the US will help low-income Nations to recover their Economy from Covid-19

Historic steps: Joe Biden Declares the US will help low-income Nations to recover their Economy from Covid-19

According to the US President Biden. just as during World War 2, in which the US was the usher of democracy, they intend to help many Nations to recover their economy, through donations of vaccines, he declares the US will be donating half a billion doses of Pfizer vaccine to help over 100 low-income nations with their fight to recover their economy by fighting this global pandemic which has highly impacted all economics negatively.

He stated that the US has been the highest donor to COVAX (COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access) and has supported manufacturing efforts in the world through Japan, India, and Australia.

As the American economy recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. The US president and his cabinet have decided to help other struggling nations to recover as well through the donation of vaccines to the low-income economies.
According to the President, it is their interest to help other economies to recover and this will not happen until the fight against the global COVID-19 pandemic is controlled. He says America will help other low-income nations in this fight to recover back their economy without strings attached.

Pfizer Vaccine Angieisika blog

Presently, the United States of America is sharing its vaccines with its neighbors, Canada, and Mexico. As he announced in April of 2021, half a billion MRAA Pfizer vaccines will be donated to 100 nations in high need of these vaccines. The MRAA vaccine is one of the very effective COVID-19 vaccines.

Read More: List Of Countries Vaccinating Children Against COVID-19

In his speech, he also stated that; 3 weeks ago, 80 million doses of in-house vaccines were donated, this has been shipped to different countries.

The half a billion vaccine will start to be shipped in August once produced. 200 million will be delivered this year 2021, and 300 million in the first half of 2022, without strings attached, it does not include potentials for a favor from these nations but it is done to save lives and fight the global pandemic.

This is indeed a historical step and a good gesture from the US government but the question on my mind is how these donations will be perceived by this nation. Another issue here is the fact that a lot of people still have not welcomed the reception of this vaccine in the US. If it helps in any way, I will suggest more discussions on the pros and cons of reception of these vaccines to the Nations to which these vaccines will be shipped, to help them make a good decision of accepting the vaccine.

It’s not enough to ship these vaccines to these Nations but their mind needs to be enlightened, on what these vaccines can do for them, in a way they could understand.


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