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Are You Looking For Signs And Wonders?


Are You Looking For Signs And Wonders?

Monday of the 3rd week of Lent 

2 Kings 5:1-15
Luke 4:24-30

The story in the first reading is set in Ancient Israel, nearly a thousand years before Jesus . Israel was locked in a national conflict with Aram, or Syria as we call it now, and it wasn’t going well for Israel.

Syria’s armies overpowered them, raiding their villages and dragging their terrified citizens away to be their slaves. Israel faced disparaging defeat. Leading this great and terrible army was a man named Naaman. He was strong, victorious, and wealthy, spending time in the company of only the most important people, even the King himself.

Through and through, Naaman was a conqueror, a national hero. When Syrian children played, they fought each other for who got to be Naaman. But as it turns out, leprosy has no respect for rank, age, or wealth. It has been likened to cancer eating through armor with no regard for who we think should be immune. Even for this man who seems to have every means to shield himself from suffering, suffering came all the same.

The leprosy drove Naaman to seek the prophet, Elisha. Through Elisha, Naaman was able to experience God’s healing power and to consider God as the God of all the nations. He who was an enemy now experiences joy and peace by this sign he declares that only in Israel is there a true God.

Christ brought His message to His people first but they failed to see in His simplicity and ordinariness, the true power and presence of God. They sought something spectacular but did not see it. If we are looking for something spectacular then we too will be disappointed for the message of Christ is profound while still being simple and given to the simple.

Are you desperately searching for healing, struggling to see past your ego and evil indulgences gone? Are you the abused and trodden down by society, yet still looking past racism and resentment to speak a healing invitation into the world?

Are you so distracted by the political reality of making things work that you forget why you even exist as ruler to serve the people and easing their burden? Are you giving folks a holy thump on the head to remind them who they really are? Are you a servant, asking people to slow down, to recognize God in simple and muddy reality?

How do I see God in the ordinary events of my daily life? What prevents me from being more aware of God’s hand at work in my life?How can I be to others a witness of God’s presence in their lives? We all need to always have faith in God and to be open to the realities of life and through the Holy Spirit, we can become the sign of God’s love and compassion in the world.


Heavenly Father give us eyes to see and to recognize you in those little areas that we find ourselves in our lives today. May we not take your word for granted. May you fill us with the gifts of His Holy Spirit: gifts of wisdom, understanding, faith, and hope Amen.

Fr Joseph Osho

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