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Awesome Birthday Ideas

Awesome Birthday Ideas

Awesome Birthday Ideas

People over time have developed various awesome ways to make their birthdays special. This is unique to each individual as what might work for A, might not work for B. Though this is unique to an individual I have been able to come up with something that can apply to several people.

A birthday is a new beginning and it is the first day of another lovely year, A year of new tomorrows that is shining, bright and clear,
A year of possibilities as endless as the sky, and a chance to meet the challenges in everything you try. It’s also the yearly anniversary that marks the day you were born.

Birthdays are not just about throwing parties but are also about thanking and appreciating the kings of kings for sparing your life to see a brand new year in good health and a sound mind.

There are thousands of ways to celebrate a birthday. It all depends on how you want it. Below are some ways in which you can celebrate your special day.

1. Do something that makes you super duper happy.

2. Wear a smile on that lovely face of yours. No carrying of long faces. Put a smile on your face😂😂😂 Fe yin re* *no matter condition, fe yin re*🤣🤣🤣

3. Spend some quality time with your loved❤️❤️ ones. It’s always convenient when you spend time with the people that matter most in your life.

4. It is advisable to always meditate and thank God for how far he has brought you. You have every reason to thank🙏🙏🙏 God because, when you look at the past years and the present one, you just can’t help but thank baba God.🙏🙏 God is awesome.

5. Get yourself something new. Be it shoes👠🥿👟, dress,👗👖👔, bags👜👝🎒anything at all. It doesn’t have to be something very expensive But a little new thing for yourself will just be great👌

6. A visit to the orphanage homes to celebrate with them and make them feel loved and cherished if you desire to reach out to the needy and lonely. That simple act will go a long way in putting smiles on their faces.
7. Plan a don’t or lunch date with your loved ones
8. Throw a big party.
9. Take a vacation to celebrate your birthday.
10. Relax with friends and family at
I hope this has given you some ideas on things to do on your special day. I know you also might have some plans on your own. Please share your unique plans with us to help other people plan their special day.

Make sure to enjoy your big day guys…  Let the count down of my special day begin… 24/09 is the code💃💃💃

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