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Agnes Isika Blog

Monday Perspective

Remaining Calm

Remaining calm even during the most challenging moments is a sign of our faith in God. Humans naturally tend to be afraid of things they feel incapable of controlling.

Faith gives us the ability to triumph over difficulties, to demonstrate bravery in the face of fear, and to demonstrate strength when we are at our weakest. God is the source of peace, but as He instructed Moses, it is our responsibility to maintain that peace. When we are able to maintain our peace, God has the ability to show up, but when we allow the things that we hear and see around us to fill our hearts with fear, his grace is obstructed.
This is going to be a fruitful week, It is not one that should be wasted on panic, fear, or anxiety because it is going to be so productive. At this moment, God is moving ahead of you, and you may be certain that He will ensure that your feet are only stepping on appropriate ground.

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“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”

— Albert Einstein



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