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SCARY: Little Girl Says Two Ghosts Have Been S*xually Molesting Her At Night


SCARY: Little Girl Says Two Ghosts Have Been S*xually Molesting Her At Night

No matter how old we are, nor how much we’ve seen of the world, some incidents or news make you realize that you haven’t heard or seen it all. A Mom of a 4-Year-Old girl said her daughter says ‘Ghosts’ have been bothering her at night.

The concerned mom who posted to the “r/Parenting” subReddit, described the quandary she was in when her little girl made a most unusual, and disturbing, claim to a relative.

Understandably, the mother was alarmed when her daughter claimed that she “sees ghosts in her room and that they touch her vagina.” She wasn’t sure how to react, though, given how absurd the assertion sounded.

The mother claimed that she immediately alerted the appropriate authorities and that an immediate forensic interview was set. She naturally started questioning her daughter about the circumstance, but she was unable to learn the full details from her.

The little child claimed that two ghosts, one of whom she identified as Silly and the other as something “kiddish,” visited her at night and touched her vagina.

“It’s the same story three times now,” she writes. “They touch her vagina, they come at night, and they are white she said.” She also inquired as to whether the daughter ever touched her vagina on her own, to which the mother received a response that it was alright.

The mother is perplexed by the details her daughter describes and wonders if they are part of a dream or an actual event. The mother notes that although the daughter claims to be afraid of ghosts, she doesn’t seem to be when they touch her. The spirits, according to her daughter, are seen under her bed.

The mother claims that her husband and their 8-year-old boy are the only persons living in their house. “I’ve asked her whether any of us have touched her or at school and she always responds no, only ghosts and herself.”

She seems worried, as any parent would be, despite the bizarre tale and the mysterious details. While she waits for the authorities to look into it, she says, “I don’t know what to make of this and I’m so frightened,” and she asks other parents for guidance.

When a child discloses s*xual abuse, the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, or NCTSN, advises adults to believe them. This is crucial because kids don’t often lie about being molested.

Staying composed and “asking [children] directly if someone has touched [their] bodies in a way that they did not enjoy or has pushed them to do things that they did not want to” are other suggestions made by the NCTSN.

According to the group, the mother’s decision to reassure her daughter that she had done nothing wrong and that it was appropriate for her to touch her own body was also the proper one. And maybe most importantly, involving the local government was a necessary next step.

The mother is right to take her child’s story—however strange—seriously because young children frequently reveal maltreatment because they don’t understand what is happening to them.

One of the mom’s fellow parents on Reddit shared a similar account about their own experience with molestation and claimed that instead of naming the offender, they told their parents “half-truths like ‘someone’ was groping me, or ‘someone’ gave me obscene films.

On the other side, the mother’s daughter does not exhibit any of the more typical molestation symptoms listed in the TikTok about how to spot indicators of s*xual assault.

A disease known as “precocious puberty,” which the Mayo Clinic defines as puberty-related changes that start too early, before age 8 in girls and age 9 in boys, has been brought up by others as a possibility that may be occurring. Puberty blockers are prescription drugs that may be necessary to treat the illness in specific circumstances.

The syndrome can result in genitalia feelings in children that are perplexing and challenging for young children’s brains to comprehend. A parent on Reddit who had this experience as a kid said, “I thought it was an imaginary friend type of thing [that] was just giving me these tickly vagina emotions at random.”

Hopefully, that explains what happened to this mom’s daughter as well.

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