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Solemnity Of The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary


Solemnity Of The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary


Rev. 11:19,12:1-6,10
1 Corinthians 15:20-26
Luke 1:39-56

Today the Holy Mother Church celebrates the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mary the Mother of God was taken body and soul to heaven. This was made a dogma only recently as proclaimed by Pope XII in 1950.

The new beginning had dawned through her act of faith and disposition to God’s will for here. In her, the failure of the original design for humanity was reversed. In the bodily Assumption of Our Blessed Lady, we see actualised the new potential of the human race. Where she has gone, we hope to follow. She now enjoys the fullness of new life which Christ made possible when He conquered death and rose from the tomb. She is the first fruit of His resurrection. Her Assumption shows that his grace does work.

In the Assumption of Mary, the Creator therefore applies his final brushstroke to his greatest masterpiece seated by the throne of her Son, she co-reigns with him. She graciously inclines in our favor his own scepter of power and grace. So that by his grace which flows through her, we also may rise from death, be taken to heaven, and crowned at the last with the diadem of unfading glory which God has prepared for all those who truly love him. Amen.

Fr Joseph Osho

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