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Sports Minister Summons NFF Over Poor Results in World Cup Series


Sports Minister Summons NFF Over Poor Results in World Cup Series

The Minister of Sports Development, John Enoh, has demanded a detailed technical report from the Nigerian Football Federation following the Super Eagles’ disappointing performance during the June FIFA window.

The Super Eagles managed to secure only one point from a possible six, following a 1-1 with South Africa in Uyo and losing 2-1 to Benin Republic in Abidjan in its third and fourth game in the 2026 FIFA World Cup qualifying series.

These results leave the Super Eagles with a total of just three points from a possible twelve,of the four games played thus far in their quest to qualify for the 2026 FIFA World Cup to be jointly hosted by USA, Canada, and Mexico.

The minister expressed his dissatisfaction with the outcomes, especially considering the substantial support the NFF has received from President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s administration in addition to the kind of open and positive working relationship between the Ministry and the NFF.

“The recent results are unacceptable,” Senator Enoh stated. “Despite the immense support from President Tinubu and the high expectations of Nigerian football fans, the Super Eagles have underperformed. The NFF must provide a comprehensive technical report explaining the reasons behind this poor showing and give cause why there mustn’t be consequences for the disappointment caused both Government and the generality of Nigerians.

He emphasised that Nigerian football fans demand and deserve answers and accountability from the NFF. “Our supporters are passionate and devoted. They deserve an explanation for why our national team has not been performing to the expected standards since after the last AFCON he added

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