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Woman Charged For Throwing Hot Soup At Restaurant Worker

Woman Charged For Throwing Hot Soup At Restaurant Worker

Authorities in Texas have charged a woman seen in a viral video pouring soup in the face of a worker in a Mexican restaurant.

According to Police, the incident happened on Sunday, November 7 when the woman called Sol de Jalisco; a temple restaurant in Texas, to complain about the soup she had picked up from there.

The woman later came back to the restaurant, where she was caught on video throwing the soup at the employee, leading to a phone argument over her soup.

NBC-affiliated news channel KCEN-TV reported that the restaurant employee was identified as Janelle Broland, while police did not identify the woman who threw the soup.

Ms. Broland later made two TikTok videos to explain her side of the incident. Since then both the videos have gone viral.

In a video, Ms. Broland said the customer alleged that the soup she had picked up was so hot that the plastic lid over it had melted.

Ms. Broland said she apologized to the customer and offered her a refund, but the angry customer abused her and later returned to the restaurant with the soup.

Ms. Broland said she told the customer she would help her if she stopped abusing, claiming the customer didn’t listen to frequent offers for refunds.

The customer threw the contents of the soup cup at the restaurant’s cash counter, after which she quickly left the restaurant.

“My eyes were burning, my nose was bleeding, I was in a lot of pain. By the time I erased it and could almost watch it again, there were already customers and employees outside,” she said in another TikTok video.

Police said that no one was injured in the incident.

The soup had become so cold that Miss Broland was not hurt.

“The spices out of it impressed me the most. I remember feeling the warmth of the soup, but my eyes burned so badly. My nose was burning. It kind of took my breath away for a second.” Was just burning… I was really shocked by all of this,” she said.

Woman Charged For Throwing Hot Soup At Restaurant Worker Agnesisika blog

The case is going on against the unknown woman. She has been banned from the restaurant.

On Wednesday, the restaurant issued a statement condemning the woman’s actions and said that customers should respect the staff.

“The Marquez family does not tolerate this kind of behavior, and we just want our establishment to be a place where people can chill out and enjoy live music, delicious Mexican food, and the best local drinks – as we have done in our Continuing on social media accounts, Sol de Jalisco said in a Facebook post.

Police said the woman had left the premises before the officers arrived. However, Ms. Broland said other restaurant customers helped her clean up and followed the woman outside the restaurant. She said customers recorded the woman’s car license plate number in another TikTok video.

Temple Police Deputy Chief Alan Teston said in a statement that such behavior was not condoned.

“If any citizen believes they have received poor service, we advise them to remain a citizen until the issue is resolved,” he said.

There’s nothing wrong with getting angry provided you use it constructively but in this case the angry woman went overboard. Hopefully, the customer must have learned her lesson.

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