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God’s Pruning

Monday Perspective

God’s Pruning

My child,

I have been cutting away things in your life that get in the way of your walk with Me in your relationships, at work, and in the deepest parts of your heart during this past season.

Now I say, “Look up and forward, because change is in the air and it’s time for new growth.” But if you want to move quickly forward, you can’t look back at the painful pruning. You blamed the adversary for a lot of the things that hurt and seemed to keep you back. They were, however, the result of My love for you and how I wanted you to grow. I love the garden of your heart, but as a good Gardener, I had to do a lot of work to get it ready for planting. My glory can only grow to its fullest in soil that is clean and fed by my Spirit.

Now is the time to let go of your misplaced anger and offer me your hand while saying, “Take me into new growth where I will arise and shine!”


It’s possible that God is removing something from your life at this precise moment in order to make room for something better. In the event that this is the case, you shouldn’t oppose it. Instead, rejoice in it because His prunning will result in increased fruitfulness on your part and greater glory for your heavenly Father.

Stay Blessed🙏

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— Albert Einstein



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