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Agnes Isika Blog


Holy Thursday

Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14
1 Cor 11:23-26
John 13:1-15


At the Last Supper, when our Lord Jesus Christ washed the disciples’ feet, he passed on a strong message to them that if He who is their Lord and Master did this supreme act of love and humility, they too must do the same to one another so that the faith that He founded on Peter and the apostles would thrive.

Jesus knew that without humility there was no chance for the faith to grow and blossom as it is today. However to live the virtue of humility is not easy to do, however, it is through our humility that we grow more in knowledge and friendship with Jesus. It is through our humility that we can convince others to follow Jesus.

 It is through humility we become Christ like. It is through our humility we become saints. It is through humility we recognize that we are all the same. It is through humility we acknowledges God’s sovereignty and at the end it is humility that brings us to the heavenly realm.

Do we really want to serve God? Do you really want to show your appreciation to God for all he has done for you?Do we desire to have a personal relationship with Jesus?Do we desire to convince others to follow the Lord? Let us live and breathe Humility all through our lives. Amen.

While this morning is a celebration of the ordained ministers gathered with their bishop in the Cathedral it is also a celebration of the commitment we each have to work for the building of the kingdom of God in humility and love.


May God fill us with the joy of the Gospel rouse our minds and hearts with a burning love for Him and spread it wherever we go. Take control of my existence and your will be done in my life. May I accept some little dissatisfaction and difficulties for your sake so that I may be enriched with your graces. May God bless and keep all the bishops and priests safe in the whole world. Amen.

Fr Joseph Osho

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