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Saint Laurence, Deacon, Martyr


Saint Laurence, Deacon, Martyr

Saint Laurence cared for the poor. He was entrusted the riches of the Church of Rome. He was condemned to die a slow death by being burnt on the grill iron…he was filled with divine consolation and joy. he remained steadfast to the end. Those who now bless the poor shall they find blessing.

The Lord tells us in the Gospel “unless a wheat grain falls on the ground and dies, it remains only a single grain; but if it dies, it yields a rich harvest. “John 12:24

It’s always hard to die to self. When a person literally dies, they learn to let go of so many things that defined life for them. As all is stripped away, they are left with only those things that are truly important, and the experience transforms them if they let it. Even as they die, they are born again in new ways. 

Jesus calls us to do that before we physically die. He wants us to do the demanding work of stripping away everything except that which is truly important.  He wants to crack the hard seed coat that separates us from the “other” so we can look at persons of every race, religion, and culture and see ourselves in them. He wants us to reach out in welcoming, open-armed, generous, overflowing love.

He wants us to sow and reap in abundance, celebrate and learn from our “otherness”, reject notions of scarcity that keep us from sharing for fear there won’t be enough for ourselves, and teach lessons in word and deed that ensure unity, respect, honour and shared life. Renew your trust in the Lord always and Keep a steadfast faith in Him. Your perseverance will win you your life.

God bless and do have a nice day.


This article is written by Rev Fr. Joseph Osho OSJ. Please visit his personal blog @
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