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Transgender Woman To De-Transition Back To A Man As ‘Waking Up’


Transgender Woman To De-Transition Back To A Man As ‘Waking Up’

A Transgender influencer is in the process of “de-transitioning” back to a man after realizing he was happy as a man.

Oli London, a Hertford resident, lived as a woman for six months and underwent feminizing face surgery to soften his features before realizing he was actually happier in his former identity.

The social media personality, who had previously undergone plastic surgery to resemble male Korean pop idols, has criticized stars like Timothee Chalamet and Harry Styles as well as programs like Ru Paul’s drag race.

London claims that celebrities encourage gender fluidity and are dangerous for teenagers because they push them to be unsure of who they are.

He said: “There are now so many teenagers transitioning. It’s something that’s seen as trendy and cool by Gen Z and it feeds into woke people.

“I think that celebrities like Harry Styles and Timothée Chalamet, probably due to their PR, are queer baiting as they are made to look gay or feminine in order to be cool and trendy. It’s a slippery slope.

“It projects these images onto impressionable kids and leads them to question themselves and their identity. It’s really harmful.

“These kids are then influenced to experiment, which is fine, but if these teenagers weren’t going to come to these realisations on their own about their gender, then it’s likely that it is the wrong path for them and they have just been influenced by what they think is trendy.”

After years of struggle with his gender identity, Oli, 33, boarded a flight to Turkey in April 2022 to have facial surgery to make him more feminine.

The British influencer previously caused uproar after declaring himself to be “transracial” and spending more than $271,000 to appear like Korean pop singers.

He spent more than £100,000 ($150,000) on additional surgery after spending more than five years trying to resemble Jimin from the boy band BTS. Most recently, he shared a video from his hospital bed following eye surgery, a facelift, brow lift, and temple lift.

He lived as a woman for six months last year and had intended to travel to Thailand for additional gender reassignment surgery before realizing that he had been happier as a guy.

Oli said: “As a teenager, I was bullied for how I looked. I was told that I looked too feminine and not like a ‘real’ boy.

“I spent six months living as a transgender woman and at first it felt amazing. I thought this was the reason I’d never felt fully happy before.

“I was even considering going to Thailand for further gender-changing surgery, but I soon came to the realisation that I actually still wasn’t happy.”

Oli decided that he needed to make a complete change in his life after learning that getting various cosmetic operations was only a short-term solution to his dissatisfaction.

Oli said: “I originally transitioned because I thought it would be the solution to my unhappiness and that it would be some sort of miracle cure to why I felt the way I did about myself.

“After living as a transwoman for six months, I still wasn’t happy and I realised that I had made the wrong decision.

“I knew that in order to find true happiness, I needed to go back to my roots and find the person who had been trapped inside me all
Saalong. I needed to find the real me.

“I had been influenced by the information I was seeing on social media. I thought transitioning was something that was fun, easy, and cool because that’s the way it had been portrayed online. I thought it was going to be a quick and easy fix, but I was wrong.

“To begin my detransition journey I shaved my hair off and got rid of my extensions, which was traumatic and liberating at the same time, and gave away all my feminine clothes to charity and friends.”

He says he’s making an effort to restore his face’s masculine appearance.

He said: “Although my face does still look very feminine, I am trying to just get over it rather than reverting to more cosmetic surgery.

“I’ve been taking supplements, trying to up my protein intake and focusing on building muscle in the gym to try and bulk myself out more too.”

He advises waiting until adulthood if young people sincerely feel the need to change their gender identity:

He said, “They can then take action but I don’t think they should be doing it while they’re in their teenage years. It could end up being a big mistake and they’ll end up ruining their health.

“I believe it should be harder for people to transition because while it may be difficult for the people experiencing these feelings, it would prevent thousands of people from making a decision that they end up regretting.

“There should be several years of doctors consultations and therapy, and living as the other gender.”

Although Oli says is the happiest he has ever been living happily as a man, trans activists continue to criticize him for his path.

Oli said: “While I am for it and a supporter of transgender people, I believe it is a huge decision to make and one that should be decided as an adult to avoid transgender people regretting their decision when they get older.

“It could be dangerous and harmful. It would mean that anyone can self-identify as transgender after three months, from the age of 16, and without a medical diagnosis.

“This could mean that a man decides he wants to identify as a female and begin using female facilities such as toilets and changing rooms. I think this could be traumatic for some women, who may have been sexually assaulted in the past if a transgender female began undressing in front of them in a changing room scenario.

“Even when I identified as a woman, I would still use male facilities, out of respect for women. I do think self-identification is an issue, and I felt victim to this so I know first hand.

“I tried to change my race and my gender, and at the time I thought this was fine but looking back I know it wasn’t and it was a mistake. I am glad I can reflect and take accountability.

“I’m just so happy I have come out the other side, and I am the happiest and most comfortable I have ever been as a male now.”

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