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What Kind Of Love Does God Wants From Us And Among Us His Children?


What Kind Of Love Does God Wants From Us And Among Us His Children?

Deuteronomy 26:16-19
Matthew 5:43-48

In today’s first reading, Moses gave to the people of Israel the commands of God. We here of commands, rules, observances and statutes. Beautiful expressions like ; walk in God’s ways, observe God’s commandments, listen to God’s voice.  Moses reminds us that God loves us as His sacred people, with special dignity.  We’re encouraged to foster this special “covenant” dignity / relationship in our every thought, word. The scibes and Pharisees however wanted more rules to be made and applied; they were in charge at the seat of Moses in all, lets but let us not forget that this was the old testament.

In today’s gospel, Jesus wants us his disciples to excess the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees and he makes it clear and simple. ‘Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. So I ask you is that something hard to do? Christ gives a broader understanding about the basic concepts of hatred, and anger that could result into murder. The law says, You shall not kill. Jesus says; Anyone who hates his brother from the heart is the same as murder. This is a tall order because it requires us to go an extra mile in our love of God and humanity. It means therefore, that our relationship with God is dependent on our relationship with others. This is the greater righteousness that Christ requires of us Love for God and neighbor.

We need to have a higher righteousness that exceeds beyond human evaluation and standards like that of scribes and Pharisees’ of Jesus time. We need to go beyond our outward show because God see the inside. We need to go an extra mile.This is what fulfillment is all about that is, doing the will of God. If we are at odds with any brother or sister then because of a different way of thinking or a habit of sin such as hate, envy, and jealousy in us, now is time to apologize, reconcile, forgive, turn things around for good and make perfect love as God expects of us. This is the earnest wish of Christ.

In this season of Lent, therefore, let us observe the commands of God and His Church, that is what Jesus requires of us if truly we are His disciples and if indeed we love Him. We know His Word is Yes and Amen. We believe He is the Son of God and that has to stand as first in our lives. His words must come to fulfillment. He already mention to us that not one dot, or an iota not even a pen stroke can be diminished from His word. It must surely come to pass.

Fr Joseph Osho

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