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Motherhood: At What Age Should I Introduce To My Child A SmartPhone? 7

Family & Relationship

Motherhood: At What Age Should I Introduce To My Child A SmartPhone? 7

Hello, Great Mothers!

Most children are excited about phones. Children from various age groups in their idle time beg their parents for their phones to play games or watch their favorite cartoons. It is no surprise to see children aged 8 or 9 years having their smartphone. Though some parents frown at this, they believe children of this age range should rather have a regular mobile phone for easy communication than a smartphone.

As discussed in previous articles, the age to get a smartphone for our children is based on family tradition. Though smartphones have their negative effects on kids when used excessively, they also have their benefits. Some of these have been discussed in my previous article. Another benefit is;

Early exposure to technology

Our present world is all about technology, and through smartphones children develop digital literacy skills. They learn how to navigate touchscreen interfaces, use different applications, and understand basic device functionality. Smartphones often come with cameras and creative apps that allow children to express themselves through photography, videography, and digital art. With this hands-on experience, they can develop their creativity and knowledge of multimedia technologies.

Children can explore a vast amount of information and resources, due to its internet features. This exposure improves their research skills and their ability to locate information online. Many game apps on these phones aim to promote critical thinking and logical reasoning. By playing educational games and puzzles on smartphones, their problem-solving abilities are improved.

Also, Children who use smartphones regularly can better adapt to changing trends in the world of technology. As they become proficient in the use of current devices and apps, they will be more able to grasp and utilize new advancements in future technology.

In addition, some apps and games can be downloaded on the phone which teaches children about the fundamentals of coding and programming. This early exposure may spark an interest in technology and computer science.

God notices your dedication to caring for your home; He will bless you accordingly. So, be joyful, for a happy mother nurtures a happy home.

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