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Cancer-Stricken 60-Year-Old Man Asks To Stay In Prison Because He Feels Depressed & Lonely


Cancer-Stricken 60-Year-Old Man Asks To Stay In Prison Because He Feels Depressed & Lonely

A 60-year-old cancer patient who is depressed and lonely requests admission to prison so that he can be around other people.

A person with cancer may experience a wide range of emotions that they are not accustomed to experiencing in addition to effects on their physical condition. One of them can be one of the mental disorders that is challenging to cope with and treat, such as sadness, anxiety, or loneliness.

This has apparently been taken too far by a Spaniard, who reportedly presented himself voluntarily to the prison guards and requested admission. To interact with others is the motivation.

Justo Márquez, 60, was the individual who was identified. In March 2020, just before the Covid-19 outbreak began, Márquez’s doctors reportedly gave him the prognosis of prostate cancer, according to El Espaol.

This was, according to Márquez, one of his most difficult periods.

He feels lonely despite being married for 20 years and having five children, who he hasn’t seen since June. He wants to enter the Alhaurn de la Torre jail voluntarily so that he can have someone around to care for him when he needs it because he feels alone and lives alone.

“When it’s daytime, I handle it okay. I hop on my TikTok and spend the day laughing at jokes, but my trouble starts at night when I go to bed. I struggle during those times, he reportedly said.

He claimed to be protesting for his demand in the prison’s parking lot, but the group told him he had to do it outside the fence.

“Márquez claims to have tried every door open, but no one has been able to help him other than by recommending various therapies and testing. He claims to have cardiac issues, anxiety, and depression in addition to cancer, according to El Espaol.

According to a survey conducted by the US National Library of Medicine, Covid-19 and its lockdowns had a significant negative influence on the mental health of oncology patients.

According to the poll, “Of the 606 patients, 53% were classified in the lonely group. In addition to reporting higher levels of social isolation, the lonely group also scored more severely on all of the assessed symptoms.

Being single, being more socially isolated, and experiencing more anxiety and depression symptoms were all linked to being a part of the lonely group in the multivariate model.

According to the study’s findings, a significant portion of cancer patients experience loneliness, most likely as a result of prescribed social isolation and distance-keeping measures. The severity of these people’s symptom burden makes a professional evaluation and treatment necessary.

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