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Motherhood: Love Your Child, Don’t Spoil Your Child 4

Family & Relationship

Motherhood: Love Your Child, Don’t Spoil Your Child 4

Hello Great Mothers!

Being a mother involves giving your children your undivided attention and unconditional love. But unconsciously or unintentionally we get absorbed into the activities of everyday life that come with having kids and we forget to express our love to our children. We get extremely stressed out with these activities and think about our worries for the day. We frequently overlook the fact that hugging our kids or just saying “I love you” goes a long way to shaping their personalities.

It is pertinent for us to know that in the midst of all we do for our children daily, showing them love through our words and actions is very important for their growth and development.

As discussed in my previous article, showing love to our kids has great benefits. Some of them are discussed in this article.

An increased sense of self-worth

Mothers who show their children affection regularly tend to have children who are more confident in themselves. They have greater self-expression confidence and are more in tune with their inner selves. On the other hand, kids who don’t get this kind of affirmation frequently have low self-esteem. They can lose touch with who they are and lose connection with the outside world. Children who are loved also discover that their value is based on who they are, not what they have accomplished.

Teach them how to love

Expressing love to our kids makes them more sensitive to others. It helps them to give out love to others, though with boundaries.

Studies have shown that miscommunication and a lack of display of affection are the main causes of relationship issues. Love for your children also reduces the likelihood of relationship issues in later life.

Our children need our unwavering love.

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