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Motherhood: Teaching Kids About Anger Management: A Guide For Mothers (1)

Family & Relationship

Motherhood: Teaching Kids About Anger Management: A Guide For Mothers (1)

Anger is an emotion defined as a sensation of irritation, discontent, or hostility toward someone or something you believe has intentionally wronged you. Anger can occasionally be beneficial. For instance, it may provide you with a means of expressing unpleasant emotions or inspire you to seek answers to issues. However, being angry all the time might be problematic.

Children struggling or feeling dissatisfied about circumstances beyond their control frequently display anger. However, research shows that they don’t intentionally act in this manner. Most kids act this way because they do not know how to manage intense emotions. They find it difficult to distinguish between angry emotions and aggressive actions. This is because they cannot do so.

Unchecked anger in kids can result in violence, including fighting, bickering, shouting, spitting, and teasing. When children lack emotional management abilities, frustration and anger can quickly develop into resistance, disrespect, violence, and rage. Also, children who constantly display rage and violence may face peer rejection, academic difficulties, and poor mental health in adulthood.

Kids who have difficulties controlling their emotions may pose a major risk to themselves and others. They frequently lose control and turn their annoyance against a caregiver, siblings, even you, their mother. Whenever they are in this mood, they may yell, cry, raise their voices, throw objects that could harm them, or others, punch and bite their peers, etc. It may turn out to be a scary, stressful situation. Sometimes, when such kids get exhausted and calm down, they feel sorry for themselves.

It is therefore important we teach our kids how to manage their anger/emotions.

As mothers, how can we teach our children how to manage their emotions? What are the signs that indicate that a child has anger issues? All this and many other topics relating to this will be treated in my next article.
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