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Motherhood: Teenage Rebellion 4

Family & Relationship

Motherhood: Teenage Rebellion 4

Hello Great Mothers! How are you doing? In our last article, we discussed the causes of teen Rebellion. We discussed that it results from teens trying to identify themselves and crave freedom or independence. They want to make their own decisions, especially in fashion, where to go and time to go and be back. They want to have a say over their own lives and take authority over their actions. They tend to seek attention and struggle for acceptance.

At this stage of personal identification and desire to be independent, they may act against the rules and values of the family. They may go against the boundaries set by the family.

For example, the family has a law that no one must stay outside beyond 8 pm. And your teen has a friend’s birthday party to attend which will hold till late in the night. Your teen may go against the family rules and stay till the party ends around 10 pm or 11 pm before returning home.

Another illustration is when students skip classes because they don’t like the way a specific teacher enforces discipline or they don’t like the subject. Due to their need for acceptance from their peers, they may have a tendency to mimic parts of their habits, such as clothing, using drugs or alcohol, or dating a specific kind of person.

As loving Mothers, when we notice these behaviors in them, we won’t just fold our hands. We take action to check them and ensure they stay within the family rules and values. Our actions often cause them to rebel and have things done their way. They often make this statement” it’s my life, I can live it as I like”

When we don’t quickly handle their behavior it may have the following effects on them.

1) Teenagers who lack attention from their parents may start seeking attention and solace from the wrong people. These people may send them on the wrong path, causing them to misbehave.
2) Break communication at home. These may make them communicate more with their peers who may lead them on the wrong path.
3) Teenagers tend to lash out and defy their parents when decisions are forced on them.
4) Teenagers who cut classes because they don’t like a particular teacher or they just want to feel cool and popular often drop out of School and this may have a long-term effect on their future.
5) Teenagers who indulge themselves in the use of substances and taking alcohol may have their grades drop or may be involved in social misbehaviors such as fighting. They may also suffer from Long-term effects, which may include health problems, memory issues, or negative changes in brain development.

This act of rebellion also has its effects on the family in general. It is one of the main causes of strife in the home. It often leads to great disagreement and a blame game between mother and father. It can cause uneasiness in the home and this can make the teen leave the home to stay with friends.

Can all these be avoided? Yes.
How, as every child goes through this stage. When properly handled.

Join me next in my next article as we will be discussing ways to handle teens’ Rebellion.

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