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The Secret To Divine Breakthrough #MondayPerspective

The Secret To Divine Breakthrough #MondayPerspective

In life, timing is extremely important; and the secret to divine breakthrough is to discover, accept, and appreciate God’s perfect timing.

When we let go of impatience and recognize that “too late” does not exist with God, it becomes easier to allow that stirring or excitement to position us for divine breakthrough.

Don’t ever feel there are areas in your life too difficult for God to change or battles that cant be won.

God doesnt fail. His timing is perfect. We can not predict what the future holds. The only One who knows what breakthrough is next in line is God.

God desires to answer and fulfil every hope and dream that is promised in His Word concerning you. So let patience uphold and undergird your faith as you keep your eyes fixed on Him, rejoicing in the knowledge that He is always faithful to keep His Word.

Thank God it’s Monday. Good morning and have a beautiful week ahead.

Courtesy: The Weekly Take


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