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Motherhood: Stress – How To Handle Stress As A Mother


Motherhood: Stress – How To Handle Stress As A Mother

Hello Great Mothers! Welcome to this article as we discuss stress in motherhood.

Julian is a mother of four. She wakes up at 5 am every day, cleans up the house, prepares breakfast, makes lunch for the kids to school, and gets herself, her husband, and her children ready for the day. She leaves the house at 7:00 am every day, drops the kids at school by 7:15 am, and resumes work at 8:00 am. She closes by 4:00 pm and picks up her kids by 4:45 pm. She gets home by 5:00 pm. Then help the children with their homework. Prepare dinner and plan for the next day. This is Julian’s routine from Monday to Friday. Saturday is for general cleaning of the house, also for laundry. And by 4:00 pm, the kids are taken to the Estate youth center for their sport.

On Sunday, Julian and her family attend church in the morning. Sunday evening is for cooking and preparation for the new week.

This is Julian’s routine every day. It’s overwhelming! She is already getting tired. She wonders if she can ever have time for herself to relax, see her favourite movies, watch her favourite shows, go out with friends, etc.

Does that sound like you? Have you ever wondered if you’ll ever enjoy motherhood, or do you already see it as a never-ending stressful task? Every day is the same, consisting of a never-ending to-do list and persistent tiredness. Do you already feel hopeless and lost?

Motherhood may be complicated and carries a lot of weight.

Motherhood demands physical and psychological change, even though it is often seen as a natural or essential function for women. Being a mother consumes you. Your everyday activities and identity are altered as a result of being a mother. Being a mother, a spouse, and a home-keeper may be difficult to balance at times.

Motherhood is lovely. It is also difficult on a physical and mental level. Mothers often end up managing their houses as “project managers,” which may cause excessive stress. If this stress is not properly managed, it may permanently harm both your house and your health.

A stressed mother is a nagging mother. A nagging mother is an unhappy mother. An unhappy mother creates a sad atmosphere in the home. The home becomes boring and less fun, and this affects both your partner and kids.

Psychologists claim that a loving environment is best for children’s development. They grow well in terms of mental, psychological, and physical development. According to reports, children’s emotions and behavior are impacted by stress.

Children’s attitudes are impacted by a hostile environment. They develop into adults who are hostile, irritable, and violent. Additionally, because no man enjoys a nagging and unhappy woman, your spouse may not like returning home.

Women are often not taught that they should be on the list of people getting care, despite the fact that they are trained to be nurturing, loving, and exceedingly generous to others. Motherhood can be extremely stressful.

If this stress is not properly handled, it may affect you in the following ways;

● Physical: Weakened immune system, high blood pressure, cardiac problems, weariness, headaches, and chest pain.
● Behavioral: difficulty sleeping, unreasonable anxiety, panic attacks
● Cognitive: ruminating, inability to concentrate.
● Emotional: excessive sobbing, anger, resentment, and mood disorders.
● Relational: short-fused, shifting blame.
● Spiritual: Disconnection, unrepented sin, hatred for God, and complacency.

Can being a mother be less demanding? Can I have some time to myself? Can I enjoy being a mother?

Join me as I explore potential responses to the aforementioned questions in my next article.

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“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

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