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Motherhood: Love Your Child, Don’t Spoil Your Child (1)

Family & Relationship

Motherhood: Love Your Child, Don’t Spoil Your Child (1)

Hello Great Mothers!

Naturally, we all love our children, and we are expected to constantly show and tell our children that we do. One of the best gifts we can give our children is to consistently show them our love.

Parenting involves nurturing. Nurturing is more than just giving your child food, housing, and clothing. It involves creating a solid and healthy emotional bond (attachment) between you and your child. It entails being the comforting mother your child can turn to, whether they are young babies, toddlers, or adolescents. We cannot achieve this without showing them affection. This is frequently perceived as a demonstration of motherly love.

The warmth, affection, care, consolation, nurturing, support, acceptance, or love that our kids experience from us constitutes our love for them. Our children feel and know that we love them when we show them affection, through kisses on their chicks, hugs, compliments, or saying pleasant things to them. Appreciating them when they have done well, or performed great tasks, and also encouraging them when they have not met our expectations.

Showing our children affection and love has a great impact on their growth and development. Some of the benefits of showing our children love and affection are discussed below:

1) It promotes both physical and mental health

According to studies, kids who grew up in loving homes do emotionally better than kids who grew up in love-deficient homes. Lack of parental affection and harsh surroundings in childhood increase stress levels and cortisol levels, which in turn cause high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and obesity. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that children who have adoring mothers have healthier hippocampus, (a complex brain structure embedded deep into the temporal lobe., it is responsible for memory management, learning, and stress reactions).

We shall continue this discussion in my next article. Watch out!

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