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The Decision To Marry – Part II


The Decision To Marry – Part II

Hello dearies,

I hope you enjoyed the part I of the decision to marry?Stay tuned as we continue into the part Ii.

I’ve heard people wonder how a couple stayed glued to each other for so many years, and never get tired of each other.
For different people, varying reasons cause them to make that decision. In Africa for instance, at a certain age, marriage is expected. Once a person is of that age, and remains unmarried, he or she may be considered irresponsible, or as having a problem, or simply lacking in the means to commit to someone for life.

So, some decide to marry simply on the grounds of age, to show respect to parents and make them proud, to keep up with their social status, to fulfill their religious obligation, or, as in many cases, due to the desire to have an offspring who will succeed them and keep the lineage thriving.
In some other continents, love is the prevalent reason for the decision to commit to someone for the rest of one’s life.

However, some people make the decision to cure loneliness. Some do this for financial increase, especially among some rich folks within the same social circle who want their sons and daughters to inter-marry, in order to create a “stronger” merger resulting in the expansion of their respective businesses.

The Decision To Marry - Part II

But then, what is the right reason to decide to settle into a marital union with another?
LOVE? Money? Connection? Partnership? Friendship? to strengthen parents’ family and business ties with another family? To feel secure? What is the reason to want to make this lifelong commitment?? To the married folks, what made you take this decision? To the unmarried, what will make you commit to another in marriage? To the single ones, what is preventing you from committing to someone?

Please could you share with us your thoughts on this in the comment section?
Thank you

*Excerpt from “Marry And Wed For Good”, written by Agnes

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