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Agnes Isika Blog

16th Sunday In Ordinary Time 


16th Sunday In Ordinary Time 

Jeremiah 23:1-6
Psalm 22(23)
Ephesians 2:13-18
Mark 6:30-34

Christ Jesus is our shepherd and the peace between us.

“He took pity on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd, and He set Himself to teach them at some length.-Mark 6:34.

This verse from Mark’s gospel underscores the demonstration of compassion by Jesus towards the crowd that gathered around him. Despite seeking solace during a retreat with the Apostles, Jesus’ compassion for the multitude is evident. It emphasizes the importance of personal prayer while being attuned to the needs of others.

Jesus’ actions exemplify divine mercy and his connection to humanity through acts of care, healing, and teaching. This concept of compassion extends to the Old Testament, where God and later the king were likened to shepherd figures.

The passage also discusses the role of the Church in embodying Christ’s love and compassion, emphasizing the importance of sharing this message., thereby highlighting the virtues and responsibilities entailed in rendering service to all in order to attain peace and salvation.

By extension, the laity also plays a significant role in fulfilling this calling, as seen in the sacrament of confirmation. It stresses the universal commission bestowed upon all to emulate Christ’s compassion and love in every vocation.

To conclude, we all have the collective responsibility to reflect and embody the compassion of the Good Shepherd, whether through service to the poor, professions, or voluntary work daily.

Fr Joseph Osho

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