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Agnes Isika Blog

Monday Perspective


Believing is a powerful act that can transform our lives. In the story of the disciples, we see their initial disbelief and fear after Jesus’ death. They were locked away, unsure of what the future held. But then, Jesus appears to them, showing them his wounds and breathing the Holy Spirit upon them. This encounter changes everything.

Thomas, who initially doubted, eventually believes and declares, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus affirms the importance of belief, saying that those who have not seen and yet believe are blessed. This message is meant for us, the living church, who must believe in the apostolic witness.

Believing is not always easy. We may have doubts and fears, just like the disciples. But when we choose to believe, we open ourselves up to the transformative power of faith. It is through belief that we can experience the fullness of life in Jesus’ name.

So, let us hold on to our faith, even in the face of uncertainty. Let us trust in the witness of those who came before us and embrace the blessings that come from believing. Remember, belief has the power to change our lives and bring us closer to God.

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