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Procuring Oneself For Everlasting Life


Procuring Oneself For Everlasting Life

Friday of week 31 in Ordinary Time 

Philippians 3:17-4:1
Psalm 121(122):1-5
Luke 16:1-8

Procuring Oneself For Everlasting Life: Be a smart steward

The Christian life necessitates the courage to challenge societal norms and to embody the love exemplified by Jesus, who ultimately made the ultimate sacrifice on the Cross. The steward depicted in the present parable pursued every means to secure his position and status.

In paraphrasing one of St. Augustine’s reflections, it can be asserted that through the acquisition of earthly riches, individuals should strive to obtain true and everlasting wealth.

If certain individuals are willing to engage in various forms of struggles and dishonesty to ensure their unpredictable material prosperity, it follows that we, as Christians, should be equally diligent in securing our eternal well-being with the resources we possess (Discourses, 359, 10).

Consequently, the gospel of today serves as a reminder that all of our wealth and possessions, including our abilities, are bestowed upon us by God. We are called to be conscientious stewards of these gifts, meaning that we should utilize them for the benefit of all and to honor God’s glory.


Fr Joseph Osho

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