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Agnes Isika Blog

Saint Hilary, Bishop, Doctor 


Saint Hilary, Bishop, Doctor 

Monday of week 1 in Ordinary Time 
or Saint Hilary, Bishop, Doctor 

Hebrews 1:1-6
Psalm 96(97):1-2,6-7,9
Mark 1:14-20


The narrative surrounding Jesus’ invitation to Peter and Andrew to become “fishers of men” invites a deeper exploration of vocational discernment and the intricacies of spiritual calling in modern contexts. This raises the question: have you ever experienced a divine prompting—an inner nudge from the Holy Spirit? It’s not uncommon for individuals to find themselves drawn into ministries within their church that challenge their preconceived notions about their roles, whether as participants or leaders.

The nature of divine calling today contrasts markedly with the immediate and direct summons faced by Jesus’ original disciples—Peter, Andrew, James, and John. These early followers had direct encounters with Jesus, which included the audibility of His command, leading them to abandon their previous lives in pursuit of Him. Their allegiance to Jesus was built upon experiential knowledge that required them to consistently accompany Him, even as they intermittently maintained familial and occupational commitments.

The question we must consider is whether we are equally responsive to the call of the Good Shepherd, who willingly sacrificed His life for our redemption.

A frequently quoted yet profound axiom states: “He does not call the qualified; He qualifies the called.” Within the ministry context, how often do we hesitate to engage with the reasoning, “I’m not equipped for that role”? Acknowledging that every believer is in a continuous process of becoming worthy is essential.

By fostering a deep love for Jesus, we are compelled to serve in alignment with His directive. Can we place our inherent trust in His guidance throughout our daily efforts, recognizing that He is an unwavering presence in our lives?

It’s imperative not to allow secular fears or attachments to obstruct our responses to His call. In every aspect of life—be it in professional settings, domestic spheres, or recreational activities—Jesus desires our active participation and companionship.

He beckons us to engage in His mission, requiring only our willingness to forfeit control in pursuit of His guidance. Rather than treating our quest for Jesus as an occasional endeavor, we should commit to cultivating a sustained closeness, acknowledging and fully embracing the manifold gifts He offers to us.

Fr Joseph Osho

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