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The People Walking In Darkness Have Seen A Great Light


The People Walking In Darkness Have Seen A Great Light

Isaiah 49:1-6
John 13:21-33,36-38

Dear beloved in Christ, We are in the “holiest of weeks”, experiencing in and with Jesus the ultimate expression of Divine Love. May these most holy days touch our hearts and give us new life and direction.  In today’s first reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, we see the prophet describing the nature and mission of the Suffering Servant.

No doubt this helps focus our prayer and activities on the person of Jesus.  Called from birth, a “sharp-edged sword…”, a servant of God’s restorative love — and a “…light to the nations, that salvation may reach to the ends of the earth…”  Such a “chronicle” encourages our prayer in the Responsorial refrain:  “I will sing of your salvation.” 

The Gospel selection from John 13 relates Jesus reclining at table with his disciples, having just washed their feet and setting the example for them to follow:  selfless service.  We hear that Jesus is “deeply troubled” by the coming betrayal of one of the disciples, prompting their confusion and sense of loss at the meaning of Jesus’ words. None of them stood out that night or the next day as glowing examples of who God calls them to be.  They were scared; they were unsure about their own well-being; and they were certainly unsure of what life would hold next.

The betrayer is revealed as Jesus shares a morsel of bread dipped in wine with Judas. Jesus states He is soon “going away” — and while unable to follow Jesus at that time, they will follow later…like Jesus, giving of themselves totally.  Peter protests that he will lay down his life for Jesus; we know “the rest of the story” and his threefold denial…and much later, his own martyrdom. 

Perhaps we are like them, living in some sort of state of denial thinking that we are doing the right thing and that everything will turn out alright but actually we are going in the opposite direction. We might be asking that why would Judas betray Jesus even when he had revealed his evil intention? We might also ask ourselves too why do we do the things we do? Why do we regret some moments as if we want to turn back the hands of time? We all have mistakes, and we all have regrets.

There is little Judas Iscariot in us whenever we sin, we refuse God. But that is not all, Jesus knew the hearts of all the disciples, he knew that they would flee when the times comes and even at that he still welcomes them to the table in the upper room. Christ is the offering and the offerer who welcomes us daily in the Holy sacrifice of the Mass.

As we walk through the Holy Week may we continue to love and trust Jesus always. May he give us the grace to follow him more closely and may we never oppose or stand against our salvation. Amen.

Fr Joseph Osho

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