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Work For The Things That Last


Work For The Things That Last

Monday of the 3rd week of Eastertide 

Acts 6:8-15
John 6:22-29

In today’s gospel, we hear about a group of people who followed Jesus. However, they were not following Him to know Him better. They were simply looking for food to fill their bellies and make their lives more comfortable.

They thought that Jesus could make their lives better, simpler, easier, smoother, safer, and more enjoyable. But Jesus knew that there was more to life than just food.

He confronted and challenged them, and us, on our motive for following Him. Are we searching for the right thing or the wrong thing? Are we following Jesus for human satisfaction instead of satisfying the heart of God?

Jesus is the living bread from heaven, the food that does not perish, and the food that gives eternal life. We often take Him for granted because we don’t go to Holy Mass often.

A man was once asked why he attends the celebration of the Holy Mass every day. He said that he does so because he wants to be nourished by Jesus every day.

Then he said these very profound words: “I don’t have the heart to refuse Jesus who always offers Himself to me during Holy Communion.” If Jesus offers Himself every day for us as the bread of life, do we respond daily to His invitation?

As part of receiving Jesus as the living bread, we must also become a part of the Holy Manna; this is the food that lasts forever, that is, believing in Christ.

Stephen, a deacon, showed that there is more to his life and to the gospel than distribution of bread and the sharing of food.

He taught people about Christ, which they could not match his wisdom because he was filled with grace and the Holy Spirit. Stephen taught that receiving Jesus for us is gain.

With Christ, everything is ours to gain, and we will not lose anything except our sinfulness the moment we decide to go to Jesus.

God’s grace is a gift, a powerful gift, but also a gratuitous gift. For none of us is worthy of God’s grace. God certainly blessed Stephen with this gift, a gift that literally shone through his face. As Luke describes him: “All those who sat in the Sanhedrin looked intently at him and saw that his face was like the face of an angel” [Acts 6:15].

Whatever we do today, let us do it in the mind of Christ. We must always remember that those great wonders and signs are God’s, not ours, and they will manifest His Presence in ways you and I can never imagine. Ultimately, they point to the Risen Jesus.

Jesus says, “For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have eternal life, and I shall raise him on the last day” [Jn 6:40]. This is our faith, that is the purpose, and heaven is the prize.


Lord God, free my heart from every hitch that Your word may penetrate my innermost being. By Your grace, unite me to the Source of all goodness that my life will always show forth Your glory for all to see. May God grant you his favours and protection as you set out today. God will stand by you and bless your dedication and commitment to him. Amen.

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