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Help The Helpless, Give Hope To The Hopeless


Help The Helpless, Give Hope To The Hopeless

Tuesday of the 2nd week of Eastertide 

Acts 4:32-37
John 3:7-15

The experience of Jesus’ disciples after the Lord’s ascension is a testimony to the power of God’s Word, prayer, and common fellowship in creating unity and harmony among believers of widely different backgrounds. That same experience still is possible today.

It is remarkable that the first activity this community of new believers engaged in was learning the Sacred Scriptures . Bible instruction is an important way to facilitate the spiritual growth of new believers. Jesus had given the commission to His disciples to teach them “all things that I have commanded you” (Matt 28:20) This new community spent time learning from the apostles all about Jesus.

They began teaching about Jesus’ life and ministry; His teachings, parables, and sermons; and His miracles, all explained as the fulfillment of the Hebrew Scriptures written by the prophets from of old. Thus, the Sacred Tradition handed over to the Church by the Lord started developing.

They also spent time in prayer and the breaking of bread. The mention of fellowship certainly infers that this new community spent time together, often and regularly, both in the temple in Jerusalem, which still served as the center of their devotions and worship, and in their private homes.

They shared an intimate life. They ate and prayed together. Prayer is a vital element of a community of faith, and it is essential to spiritual growth. This new community spent time in worship. We are told that these activities were done “steadfastly.”

This steadfast fellowship generated good relationships with others in Jerusalem. The new believers are described as “having favor with all the people” (Acts2:47) No doubt the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives made a powerful impression on those around them and served as a powerful witness to the truth of Jesus as the Messiah.

Indeed, Church unity is the result of a shared spiritual experience in Jesus, who is the truth. “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father but by me” (John 14:6) Solid bonds of fellowship are forged in a common spiritual journey and experience.

In today’s gospel passage, Nicodemus encounters and discourses with Our Lord Jesus by night. Nicodemus is mystified about the words of Jesus on being born again. He has not heard anything like this before.

He asks a somewhat arrogant question: How can that be possible? How can this be true if I don’t know about it? Jesus responds to Nicodemus with a gentle rebuke. In his response we see a couple of key words that appear again and again in John’s Gospel – testimony, truth, Son of Man . Jesus is claiming to be an eyewitness to heavenly things and to himself .

Now he makes an amazing claim: “I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven — the Son of Man.'” (3:12-13) Jesus made claim to be the Son of Man quoting this passage at his trial( Daniel 7:13-14;Mark 14:61-64), the High Priest declared the statement blasphemy. Nicodemus, the strict Pharisee, the “teacher of Israel,” must have pondered these words deeply.

It is important therefore to have faith in the power of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The faith can move mountains and level the valleys. The early Christians lived in one heart and soul and this is something only achievable by a dramatic intervention of divine energy.

They were able to testify to the Resurrection with great power and boldness through the action of the Holy Spirit . Thus, because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ the lives of these individuals and through them the history of the world are irrevocably changed.

We too can witness to the risen Saviour today by becoming the encouragement for he discouraged (like Joseph surnamed by the apostles as Barnabas) the hope for the hopeless and the help for the helpless.


May the Risen Saviour make our homes, homes of peace, love, comfort and joy. May he incline our hearts aright and grant us success and victory through the power of his name. Amen. Yes, Glory be to God who has given us victory. Alleluia! Amen.

Fr Joseph Osho

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