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Agnes Isika Blog

O Emmanuel

O Emmanuel

At the naming ceremony of her son, Elizabeth says that the child’s name is to be John. Zechariah, when asked, writes (because he still cannot speak) that the child’s name is John. He does not say that he is to be called John but simply that his name is John, for that is the name the angel had already told him that the child should be called (1:13). And so writing, Zechariah is once again able to speak. Having testified to his faith in God’s provision,

The people were asking what sort of child this would turn out to be (1:66). They noticed that “the hand of the Lord was with him.” This is very important in selecting someone for a ministry area of service, or a significant role, is not just that they have natural gifts, brain power, smooth talking, charisma; what is most important is they are a man or woman of God, that the hand of the Lord is with them. This is what we are to seek too.

Would you ask this day that God be your God, that you worship him as God, and that his hand be with you to lead, guide, and equip you for works of service which he has prepared for you to walk in today.


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